A downloadable game
Future Fronts (working title) is a custom-mecha action game built in the Godot Engine, in this early playtest copy you can build your mech from a selection of playtest parts and weapons and play through five missions as well as three challenge arena fights. Your part choice effects your stats and the handling of your mech.
Send feedback to this email address: futurefrontsfeedback@gmail.com
A tutorial is available in-game but important information for the user interface, the control layout and stats can be found at the bottom of this page. Currently controllers are not supported, controller support will be offered in the next playtest build. Currently there are no weight or generator capacity limits on your build so you can freely equip anything(however a heavy weight will still make you slower). This will change in the next build as well.
Not all mechanics are completed or finalized, some stats and systems haven't been integrated. A few of these systems will be designed based on playtest feedback. Some of these stats/systems are the following
- Armor and Resistances
- Arm Recoil Reduction
- Energy Weapon interactions and Power Distribution System mechanics
- Targeting Evasion and Targeting Interference
- Extension Modules
- Maximum weight burdens for arms and legs, maximum energy load on generator
Feedback is highly encouraged and valuable for the development of this project, below are a list of known issues, they will be addressed before the game is complete
- "The sound is bad" -Yes it is, it is entirely placeholder and will be replaced with custom sounds in the future.
- "The Main Menu UI is bad" -It sure is, it is also mostly placeholder. If you have specific recommendations for how to change the UI however, do send them.
- "There isn't enough Melee" -Melee has been on the backest of backburners, currently there is only one melee weapon but there will be many options in the future.
- "There should be build saving" -There will be in the future.
- "The head choice doesnt change my stats" - Heads are purely asthetic and don't have stats.
To enter the customization menu, click on the HANGAR button on the main menu. Cycle through parts using the buttons on the left side of the screen, changes to important stats can be tracked on the right side of the screen and part stats will be displayed anytime a part is changed. To confirm a part change make sure to click the CONFIRM button in the upper left portion of the screen. To cancel any changes and revert to the last saved build press CANCEL. To switch to the paint menu click the PAINT MENU button and click it again to switch back to the part selection. Similarly there is a CONFIRM and RESET button in the paint menu. To switch which part of your mech you are currently painting, use the buttons on the left side of the menu. There is a SIMPLE mode which will let you paint either the entirety of your frame or the entirety of your weapons and an ADVANCED mode which lets you paint each part seperately. The UI is pretty bad looking, will be fixed in the eventual UI rework.
- WASD : Controls movement
- F : Toggles boosters on/off. When boosters are off you will fall at a normal rate instead of gliding. Moving with boosters does not consume energy.
- SPACE : Jump and UpwardBoost while in the air
- LEFTCLICK/RIGHTCLICK : Use your equipped left and right hand weapons
- Q/E or 1/2 : Use your equipped left and right back-mounted weapons (IT IS RECOMMENDED TO USE A MOUSE BUTTON SETUP FOR THIS)
- R : Action key, this has a few different uses. If you hold down the action key and use any of your reloadable weapons you will manually reload them. If you hold down the action key while moving against a wall and jump you will execute a wall jump.
- C : Overboost toggle.
- SHIFT : Quickboost, use this to dodge and dash around.
Your quickboost has technical properties based on your part stats. It has a duration, given by your thrusters, an impulse time given by your thrusters and a peak time given by your power distribution system. During the duration of your quickboost your velocity will approach the maximum speed of your quickboost based on your impulse time(the lower the faster) and then stay at that speed based on the peak time(the higher the longer) before decreasing back down to your normal speed during the remaining duration.
Your power distribution system is a component that applies modifiers to your generator properties and tweaks the performance of other systems, currently the PDS only affects thruster and generator stats.
Your thrusters have an acceleration value, this determines how quickly you reach your maximum traveling speed while moving. This also affects how quickly and snappily you can switch from moving in one direction to the other. Your thruster acceleration will start at its base stat and be reduced based on how heavy your build is. You can counteract this reduction with the MANEUVERABILITY stat that is on your frame's legs. A heavy frame with low maneuverability will feel weightier and require more mindful control.
Your targeting system has an ideal range and a range spread. It also has an acquisition level and acquisition rate. When you lock onto a target your aim will initially not be on them perfectly but it will improve by your acquisition rate over time to a particular level. This lock level is improved greatly if you have your target within the range spread of your ideal range. There are three playtest targeting systems, one for each range. You will know your lock level as your lock box and reticule will turn from white to green and then red when you are above a 90 percent lock quality. At higher quality locks your frame will lead it's shots.
Updated | 1 day ago |
Published | 2 days ago |
Status | In development |
Author | pilotproject |
Genre | Action, Fighting, Shooter |
Tags | build, Character Customization, custom, mech, mecha, Mechs, Robots |
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